Is Diet or Exercise Best for Losing Weight and Belly Fat? /diet-vs-exercise-which-one-wins-the-battle/

Diet or Exercise: which one is more important to Losing Weight and Belly Fat ?

What’s the best way to lose belly fat: diet or exercise? This is the question I am asked every day. Let me tell you the harsh truth- exercise is the easier one to follow.
When it comes to start working out most people are more than enthusiastic to do hardcore exercise and workouts but when it comes to giving up bad food they show an expression of frustration. Actually it’s difficult for us to avoid food that we love even if it’s not healthy and doesn’t help us to lose weight and belly fat.

Let me tell you something, if you don’t change your diet plan, then no exercise on earth can get you to the weight you desire. You will definitely lose some weight if you workout hard, but by following healthy diet and avoiding eating bad food the result will be 100 times better.

Diet is more important than exrcise to reduce your weight and tummy fat

Combining exercise and diet

The best way is to follow the combination of both: workout and healthy meal plan. However, throughout this article I will dig deeper to find out which one of them wins the battle. Is a healthy diet plan can help you lose weight and fat faster or an exercise plan?
I’m going to describe the result of a recent 12-week long study on weight loss. In this study a comparison between the amount of weight loss through healthy diet plan only and the amount of weight loss through a workout plan has been done. And guess what, the group of people who followed a healthy diet plan lost around 15 pounds after 6 weeks whereas the group of people that kept eating bad food and following a workout plan lost only 1 pound after 6 weeks.

Great cookbook

Healthy eating wins !

From the above results it is clear that healthy diet plan comes out to be the winner in the battle between diet and exercise. Doing some workouts would help you to lose  belly fat, but diet is the most effective way for weight loss. In a previous article, I’ve said that carbs increases your belly fat and a healthy diet plan should include low caloric food items.

If you can follow the meal plan 90% of the time then you can eat whatever you like for the rest 10% of the time. However, you should not eat like a baby dinosaur. It’s better to plan these cheat meals just like the healthy meal plan. These cheat meals have some advantages as well. When we starve for a long time, leptin hormone tells our body to slow down metabolism and stop burning fat. This is more like spending less money because you don’t have enough to spend.

So these cheat meals properly placed in between healthy diets provide our body with necessary calories and prevent the discharge of leptin hormone which as a result help us to lose belly fat. Also if you’re in a hurry and you want a simple and quick meal ideas you should have a look at this wonderful book.

I that I’ve inspired you to follow the diet plan that contains planned cheat meals and exercise properly, so that you can reach your desired weight. If you really want to reduce your tummy fat, you should visit this website for a great meal plan that lets you have cheat meals while also provide great weight loss results.


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